Entries close 6pm on Saturday 15th 2025
The draw will take place on Sunday 16th February at 6.30pm at Whitlingham Boathouse
The results will download
as an excel file
Division 1 start time 10.15am
Long course: 5,000m Riverscourt to Whitlingham Green
Open Men: 8+, 4x, 2x
Open Women: 4+, 4-, 2-, 1x
Open Mixed: 8+, 4x
Masters Men: 4+, 4-, 2-, 1x
Masters Women: 8+, 4x, 2x
Masters Mixed: 4+, 4-, 2x
Junior Boys: 4+, 4-, 2-, 1x
Junior Girls: 8+, 8x+, 4x, 2x
Division 2 start time 12.45pm
Short course: 1,900m Colmans Rail Bridge to down-cut stream end of "The Cut"
Juniors, Seniors and Masters - all boat categories except 8+
Division 3 start time 2.45pm
Long Course: 5,000m Riverscourt to Whitlingham Green
Open Men: 4+, 4-, 2-, 1x
Open Women: 8+, 4x, 2x
Open Mixed: 4+, 4-, 2x
Masters Men: 8+, 4x, 2x
Masters Women: 4+, 4-, 2-, 1x
Masters Mixed: 8+, 4x
Junior Boys: 8+, 8x+, 4x, 2x
Junior Girls: 4+, 4-, 2-, 1x
Entries by BROE only: £15 per seat British Rowing Day Tickets available for this event​
A prize will be awarded to a winning crew for an event with at least 3 competing entries.
The committee reserves the right to move junior competitors up an age category as per BR rules.
Masters handicaps will be applied as per British Rowing rules. Up to 3 consecutive Masters age categories may be grouped together for a single event although more may be possible on request.
We welcome Adaptive and Para entries. Please email for further details regarding these events.
The Bullard Cup will be awarded to the fastest Junior Single Sculler racing the long course (Division 1 or 3).
Trophies are also awarded to the fastest male and female 8+ (raw time)
Presentation of prizes will be held at the Whitlingham Boathouse after the completion of Division 3
For all enquiries please contact Sarah Lister (event secretary)
Telephone: 07881.911.800 Email: listie@hotmail.co.uk
Regatta Documents
Race Day Information
The Final Draw is now available to download
Boating Times are included with the Final Draw
Maps for Site access, trailer parking and carparking can be found here
Course maps (to download) - Long Course & Short Course
Results will be posted here upon completion of the event (this will download an excel file) Live results are available on Rowtimer.
Event Documents​